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Ubud Art Market
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Ubud Art Market

One of the areas in Bali that has a traditional art market is Ubud. The traditional art market in the tourist area in Ubud Bali is known as the Ubud Art Market.

Because of the uniqueness of the traditional art market in Ubud, one of the Holywood films starring Julia Roberts entitled “Eat Pray Love”, was filmed in Ubud traditional art market.

The Attractiveness of Ubud Art Market

Merchandise in Ubud's traditional art market is quite good quality at relatively cheap prices. But to get a cheap price, you as a buyer must be good at bidding. Most traders take merchandise directly from home craftsmen, which makes the price of goods cheaper, of course, you must remember to bid.

There are two main areas in the traditional art market of Ubud, the western site and the eastern site. For the western of the Ubud traditional art market, selling more merchandise in the form of art crafts. Whereas in the eastern market, it sells more daily basic needs such as sugar, rice, and other basic necessities.

The Location of Ubud Art Market

Ubud Art Market is sited in the strategic area exactly at the main street of Ubud. It is near of Ubud Palace.

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