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Tenganan Traditional Village
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Tenganan Traditional Village

Tenganan is a traditional village in Bali and one of the popular tourist objects in Bali. This traditional village is located in Manggis District, Karangasem Regency or the eastern part of the island of Bali. This Village is included as the three of Bali Aga Village. The others two are Trunyan Village in Kintamani and Sembiran in Tejakula.

Bali Aga Village is the village which lives from its people, is still guided by the rules and customs of ancestral heritage, from the time before the Majapahit Empire.

The architecture of their house, the meeting hall and the temple that was built, strongly defended the rules of customs for generations. Characteristics of a residential building, is made of a mixture of red stone, river stone, soil and have the same relative size.

The Uniqueness of Tenganan Village

The livelihood of the Tenganan Villagers is generally as rice farmers. A small part is also a craftsman. The typical crafts of the villagers include woven bamboo, carvings, paintings on palm leaves and woven fabrics. The uniqueness of Tenganan village is found in traditional buildings, gringsing cloth, and pandan war.

  • Gringsing Fabric
    The woven fabric made by the villagers is named Gringsing cloth. Therefore, this traditional village is also called by the name of Tenganan Pegringsingan Village.
    From the past the villagers, famous for their expertise in weaving Gringsing fabrics. The Gringsing cloth is done in a double tie technique. This technique is the only one in Indonesia, so the Gringsing fabric produced by the local people is very well known throughout the world.
  • Pandan War
    Tenganan villager has a unique tradition. Every year in mid-July, the mageret pandan (pandan war) tradition is held. That is the ritual of a pair of village youth, mutually using thorns from pandan leaves on their stage. As a result of the incision of the thorny leaves, it will cause a wound on the back of the village youth.
    After finishing, the wound will be treated with traditional antiseptic drugs from tubers. The wound will dry out and heal within a few days. This tradition is carried out to train the mental and physical of Tenganan villager.

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