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Suwehan Beach
     5 / 10 Reviews
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Suwehan Beach

Suwehan Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Nusa Penida that are still very isolated from the touch of local and foreign tourists.

The Attractiveness of Suwehan Beach

Suwehan Beach has a natural icon which be its distinctive feature, namely a large rock resembling a triangular shape. Tourists often compare it with Pipi Island in Thailand because they both have a triangular stone icon.

That stone is often called Jineng Stone by the local people. In addition, many tourists also call it as Volcom, because that stone looks like a Volcom brand logo.

Suwehan beach has white sand with clear blue water. All around it is decorated by the high and green cliff. There are many activities that you can do on this beach such as swimming, Playing the sand, sunbathing or just relaxing to enjoy nature.

For swimming, the tourists must always ensure the condition of sea water. Because it is very dangerous to swim when the sea water is heavy. In the middle of the sea water has been installed a red flag as the safe limit for swimming.

The Location of Suwehan Beach

This beach is located in the southeast of Bali, Nusa Penida District exactly in Tanglad Village.

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